
Locatie: The Glitch


We are located in what the colonial system understands as a problem.

A glitch is:

  • a small problem or mistake that prevents something from being successful or working as well as it should: The system has been plagued with glitches ever since its launch. (Definition of glitch from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

  • a small problem or fault that stops something working successfully (Oxford dictionary)

  • a type of electronic music that uses sound recordings and electronic instruments that have been made to work incorrectly so there are deliberate glitches in the sound (Oxford dictionairy)

  • any malfunction of the Member’s systems including malfunction in its hardware or software or any products/services provided by the Member, whether on account of any inadequacy or non-availability of infrastructure/ network/ other systems or otherwise, which may lead to business disruption (Lawinsider).



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